Hi there Black here. I am probably 4 or 5 years old along with my sister Tabatha, and two brothers, Spit and Khaki. A neighbor down the street from us called since the Person is the Cat Lady in this neighborhood and told her that they found four kittens under the hood of their car and could the Person please take them. At first she said NO, she couldn't afford any more cats. So then she called them back and said, if they paid for all the food and spaying etc., she would take care of them. SO we arrived here a few minutes later as little tiny kittens. And those nice people still bring us food.

Hi there Spit here and I am Black's brother. When I arrived as a tiny little kitten, and we were put in the famous bathroom, every time the Person came in the bathroom, I would spit like crazy at her. She just wasn't going to touch me. But I am a good boy now. I do have a kink in my tail and have had it forever. I stay outside all the time, mainly on the porch. Black goes in and out.
Hi there, Khaki here and I am the brother of Spit and Black. I am a very unusual color and am a big boy and a nice cat. But I am very bossy and don't let anyone mess with me. I stay outside most of the time. I would love to come inside in the cold weather but I am a norty boy and sometimes pee in the house so the Person doesn't let me in unless she can watch me. I mainly live in the barn.
Hi there, Tabatha here and I am the sister in our little family. I grew up to be a big cat and I too am afraid of other cats. I will come inside when the weather is bad and try to find a private place to have a nice long nap.
That is all for today and if everyone can stand it, there will be more of us tomorrow. We don't expect any of you to keep us all straight. The Person has trouble keeping us straight.
We sure hope all of you have a fantastic day.