Hi there, Mister here and I am the oldest cat here. I am probably around 15 years old. I moved with the Person when she moved up here from Charleston. I love to be outside but stay in my nice bathroom during cold or bad weather. I am still the boss around here. When I go to the door to go outside, I growl all the way to the door just to make sure all the cats in here keep their respect for me.

Hi there, BG here and I am probably around three years old. I just wandered in here one day and just started eating on the porch. I didn't pay any attention if the other cats tried to push me away. I was really skinny and hungry when I came. As you can see, I haven't missed many meals. I like to come in the house but those inside cats are quite bossy. So I stay outside most of the time.
Hi there, Mew Mew here and I am about 7 years old. I arrived here as a screaming little tiny kitten with very matted long hair. I yelled and yelled and the Person talked to me for a long time and so I stayed especially since she produced some nice food. It took me about six months for me to let her touch me. I hate other cats so I stay outside although I would really love to stay in the house in bad weather but it isn't going to happen.
Hi there, Girl Kitty here and I was the very first kitty to move in when the Person moved in here.I am probably some where around 13 years old. I was very feral and it took many moons for me to even let her to touch him. When I was a tiny kitten, a horse stepped on my hind leg and so I have a bad leg but I get around pretty well. As most everyone knows, I just got to move into by very own room in the house and I love it.
Hi there, Little Bit here and I am around 3 or 4 years old. I arrived here to be a foster cat. I was hit by a car before I came and had to have part of my hip bone removed so I cannot go outside. Also when I came I was a feral kitty. So of course the Person was so nervous about someone else getting me and then putting me back in a shelter. So I got to stay here. I am still a little feral but let the Person scratch me.
So there are five more. That makes eleven. Only 12 to go unless Tees comes home. Then it will be 13. Tees has been gone for 8 days now.
Thanks everyone for reading all about our family. We sure hope all of you have a terrific day.