Hi there, everyone should know me by now. Two Two here and I am between 2 and 3 years old. I was wandering around on the road and went into the Person's friends driveway just a screaming. So of course they called the Person, and she told them if they could get me into a carrier, that she could come here. So I arrived at the Person's house five minutes later. Mahoney and I formed a great friendship since we are around the same age. I do stay in all the time. I do love to play a lot.
Hi there, Lucky here, and I wandered around in the woods in back of the Persons yard for two to three weeks when I finally decided to go introduce myself. The Person here, when Lucky came, he had all kinds of sores on him which looked like some cat had beaten him up pretty good. He was very tame when he came but he also got really sick and had some kind of immune disease and had to have shots once a month since his red cells went way down. But he is just fine now.My guess he is around 10 years old but I really don't have any idea.

Hi there, Lucky here, and I wandered around in the woods in back of the Persons yard for two to three weeks when I finally decided to go introduce myself. The Person here, when Lucky came, he had all kinds of sores on him which looked like some cat had beaten him up pretty good. He was very tame when he came but he also got really sick and had some kind of immune disease and had to have shots once a month since his red cells went way down. But he is just fine now.My guess he is around 10 years old but I really don't have any idea.
Hi there, Missy here, and I used to live next door. I lived over there with another cat called Greyson but he got cancer and the Person had to send him to the bridge. The people that lived there just moved away leaving us. The Person brought me over to the house and it took me a long time to get used to the cats in the house but I am very comfortable now. I am probably 10 or 11 years old. I do go outside and sit on the back porch when the weather is really nice.
The cat parade is over for this week. But there will be more next week and not to worry the donkeys want to be in the parade too. It is time for Easter.
Hope everyone has a marvelous day.