Hi there, Momma kitty here. And the last of the Cat parade is all about my children. I used to live next door and I still go back there to visit but the food isn't as good over there. I am probably 8 years old and I am very very feral but I do let the Person get close to me. If she touches me, I jump back but don't try to hurt her at all.
So that is the cat parade at our house. Tomorrow, we will tell the Donkey's story and Ande too.

Orange Boyzo here and I was one of three in the first litter that the Person found over at the neighbors. They gave her permission to go over and feed my Mom and us as we got older. She walked over here three times a day and we got to the point of letting her kind of touch us. So one day, she brought this cage kind of deal over, and scooped all three of us up, (we were tiny then) in her hands and put us in the cage BUT I escaped by squirming out of her hands. She she had to take the other two over to her house and come back for me. By the time she got back, I was very lonely and was so glad to see her, I let her scoop me up too.
Hi there, Gertrude here, and I am Orange Boyzo's sister. I am probably 7 years old and am a little shy and nervous. I love to go outside but stay inside at night and during bad weather. I love to sleep with the Person when there is room on the bed. I do a lot of talking especially when that Person needs to get out of the bed and feed me.
Hi there, Splitters here and I am the third one in this litter. Both Orange Boyzo and I have had to have all our teeth taken out because of Stomatitis. Gertrude lucked out, and didn't have to get that done.I do love my person and many a night I will come sit with her to watch TV but most of the time I like to be outside especially if there isn't anything good on TV.
The litter after us only had two kittens and unfortunately the Person gave them to a person and that Person wasn't very nice and Daniel ran away right away and Chloe moved next door with a friend and wasn't happy so she gave her to another friend and I think she is happy now. It was very very sad.
Hi there, Ohs here, and there were three of us but now there are only two of us since Bees went off wandering and never did come home. Which of course made the Person very very sad. But we just hope he is happy where ever he is.I am the most friendly of all the kittens from Momma cat. I loved to be rubbed and scratched but I do live outside. I have come inside a couple of times but it is too crowded in there, so I mainly stay on the porch. We have our own sofa and some nice blankets out there.
Hi there, Tees here and as most everyone knows, I just got home in time to be in the cat parade. I do like to wander which drives the Person totally nuts. I do love being here, the wild just sometimes calls me and I have to go see what is going on out in the world. I was the last one to move over to the Person's house. I just was too afraid to follow her back there and finally I figured out that was where the food was and My Mom helped me too by showing me the way.
This is Ohs and I,the day that I came back home. We are great friends and were so glad to see each other. So that is the cat parade at our house. Tomorrow, we will tell the Donkey's story and Ande too.
Everyone have a really great day.