We are all so thankful, that we got a huge box of some wonderful home made toys that are just the best. They came from Pacific Cat Toys and the kitty Alice Marie helps to make these wonderful toys. Now the problem is, we just don't know who sent these wonderful toy so we are very sad that we can't thank someone.
There are enough toys here for each and everyone of us to have at least one. There are so many, that I couldn't decide which one I wanted to play with first.
Tip Tail here and I had a really hard time deciding which ones to play with first. Oh and by the way, Alice Marie has her own blog too. Alice Marie's Blog. All of the toys are great fun and they are made with very safe materials so that cats do not get sick from chewing on the toys. We sure do thank whoever was so nice to send us all these toys
Wishing everyone a fine day today.