Today is earth day and we all need to take notice of taking care of our wonderful Earth.If it wasn't for our Earth, we wouldn't have any food or animals. Earth helps to grow all our wonderful food and feeds the animals that we eat and provides us with the materials to build our houses. That is putting it very simply and big towns really need to be so careful of all the trash that gets thrown out.There just are so many ways to help our good earth.
Hi there, Smoke here. And I love the earth because it grows the grass that I eat plus it grows the hay that I like to eat. Now I am around 6 years old. I came from a very fancy breeding farm where they breed miniature donkeys to show. And I cannot be a show donkey of all things, because my muzzle is black and not while. So the Person got a really good deal as far as price goes. She got me because one of the ponies had to go to the bridge and that left only one pony and she needed company.
Hi there Joe, here and I came from the same miniature donkey breeding farm as Smoke did. I had to come keep Smoke company because the last horse here had to go to the bridge since she was so old and couldn't eat any more. And we are about six months apart in age and I have all kinds of problems, so I couldn't be a show donkey either. But do notice, that I have a white muzzle. But I have crooked teeth and that counts too. I have some joint problems and some breathing problems too. So I get to live here and just relax. Smoke and I are good buddies.
Last but certainly not least is our doggie Ande. She is a wonderful dog and gets along with all the cats, she loves people and children too. The donkeys do chase her and she doesn't mind that. She thinks it is fun. The Person got me as a tiny puppy because she had just moved and thought maybe since I am a Border Collie, that we could get to know people by going to herding lessons etc. Well I didn't like the herding stuff but I still try to herd the cats.
Thanks so much to Ann of Zoolatry for the wonderful graphic and be sure to go read the great picture she has on her blog.
We sure hope everyone has a great day and does just a little something to help our EARTH.
Thanks so much to Ann of Zoolatry for the wonderful graphic and be sure to go read the great picture she has on her blog.
We sure hope everyone has a great day and does just a little something to help our EARTH.