
Cat food review.

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Asked us to review some of their cat food and of course we accepted. It is great to be able to try new food and we like trying the grain free foods. This looked like really good food with lots of chicken in it.
Gertrude here, and I was one of the chosen ones to get to try this food and as you can see,  I am really enjoying it a lot. Every Purrfect Bistro recipe starts with 70% healthy proteins & fats and features deboned meat as the number one ingredient. They are 100% grain free and high in Omega 6's & 3's. Pate’s are a full-flavored gourmet cuisine enjoyed by food lovers all over the world.I think it tastes really good. 
Hi there, Little Bit here. And just look here, I am enjoying the food too. And I can be a little fussy about my food. Pretty much all of us liked this food but not 100% but I have never found a food that all my cats like. So thanks Chewy for letting us try this food.
Have yourselves one fantastic Friday.
